Journals to Publish a Paper: 1) Visit IJRESM Journal, 2) Visit IJRAMT Journal, 3) Visit IJMDES Journal
If you are looking for paper publication in a journal. Then this article highlights the steps involved to publish a paper in a journal.
Table of Contents
1. Steps to Publish a Paper
- Prepare the Manuscript: As an author, the first step is to prepare your paper in a word file (Either single column or double column). (Note: Some journals will ask to submit in the journal template format).
- Select Journal: The next step is to select a journal to publish paper.
- Submit Manuscript: Once you select the journal, you should submit your paper using the journals submission system.
- Review: The next step is the review process, where the editor of the journal will check the quality of the paper and send the paper to review. After the review, the editor will make the decision on the paper. (It can be either Accept, Reject, Revision)
- Post Acceptance: The author may need submit the copyright form. Pay Article Publication Fee (Depends on the journal. Some journals publish without fee).
- Article Publication: The Journal process the manuscript for publication. You may be asked to proof read (checking for errors) the final version of the article, before it is published. (For more details, read this article: A detailed guide for paper publication)
2. Journals to Publish Paper
ISSN (Online): 2581-5792
Publication Frequency: Monthly
Scope: All academic disciplines subjects
Publication Format: Online
Starting Year: 2018
Scientific Journal Impact factor: 5.719
Indexing: BASE, WorldCat
ISSN (Online): 2582-7839
Publication Frequency: Monthly
Scope: All academic disciplines subjects
Publication Format: Online
Starting Year: 2020
Scientific Journal Impact factor: 5.086
Indexing: BASE, WorldCat
ISSN (Online): 2583-3138
Publication Frequency: Monthly
Scope: All academic disciplines subjects
Publication Format: Online
Starting Year: 2022
Scientific Journal Impact factor: 4.344
Indexing: Google Scholar, BASE